Placing an order with MotleyMutt.com is easy and there's no need to create an account!

However, by creating an account at MotleyMutt.com you will be able to:

Save your shopping cart and make purchases later.
Receive order reminders.
Save your shipping and billing addresses for future purchases.
Check your order status.
Review and reorder orders you have previously made.

For your privacy and security, MotleyMutt.com does not collect, process, or retain any credit card information. Your payment will be processed Securely with PayPal.com, the global leader in online payments. NOTE: The billing address and phone number entered MUST MATCH the information your payment card company has on file in order for your payment card to be processed. If you have an account with PayPal, you may login and continue without entering any payment information.

An Order Confirmation will be emailed to you upon acceptance of your order. If you have an account with us, you may check your order status at anytime on our website. Orders may be cancelled at anytime before they are in processing status. You may cancel your order by clicking the cancel order link located at the bottom of the order's history page or simply email us.

We make every effort to ensure that our advertised items are available. However, due to the popularity of our products, some items may become temporarily out of stock. We do not accept back orders at this time. If ordered merchandise should become unavailable, your order and payment will be adjusted and you will be sent an email with your new order details. If an item(s) that is temporarily out of stock and is expected to arrive in our warehouse within 5 business days, we will ship that item(s) to you as soon as it becomes available with no additional shipping charge to you.

A Shipping Confirmation will be emailed to you when your order has shipped. You will be provided with the delivery carrier and parcel tracking number along with a link to where you may track the delivery of your parcel(s).

Have an account with us? Do you need to place the same or like order again? Simply click on the reorder link located at the bottom of the order's"history page"Want to be reminded when it is time to reorder a product, signup for product reminders!

MotleyMutt.com wants shopping with us to be an easy and fun experience. We invite you to email us with any comments you may have.


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